Eszter and her boys

Eszter and her boys

I found Simona because, as a non-Czech speaker, I felt I needed the additional support during my pregnancy and birth with my twin babies.

We agree with my husband that she was the best choice that we could make. She was reliable and helpful during the pregnancy. She could answer all of my questions, managed to calm me down if I got worried and introduced me to an amazing doctor for the birth. But when it comes to the birth, I just can't put into words how greatful we're to her! She was unstoppable from 4 am until the next day in the night. She walked me through every step of the unmedicated birth that I wished for (and we managed for baby A) and helped me with the recovery after the emergency c section that we had to go through with baby B. She also supported my breastfeeding journey and was great when I needed emotional support during the first months of postpartum.

If I ever got pregnant again, I wouldn't choose anyone else than Simona.

Eszter Viszlo


leden 2024